Elemental Kingdoms Fanatic released

Download the latest version here.

– Fixed issue where the runes of map levels would not be loaded
– Fixed crash when loading a FoH match where a player has an avatar of a card that has not retrieved from the server yet
– Greatly reduced the chance that demons and thieves will die due to not enough ‘hero hp’
– Fixed a crash with Healing Mist
– Fixed issue where no logging would be visible in the log window
– Fixed FoH icon for players who have Dumpling Feast as avatar

6 thoughts on “Elemental Kingdoms Fanatic released”

  1. Can you create an option to remove saved decks? I have my list populated with some levels which I don’t need anymore and I don’t know how to remove them from the list of available saved decks.

  2. Theres a Card missing in your tool. I have been unable to find ThornyLizard at least. It’s a Card I’d like to experiment with 🙂

    1. Hmm, it is available for me.

      You can always obtain the most recent cards from the server by the way. It is hidden away a little bit under Opponent -> FoH simulator -> Load. If you hit ‘Connect’ you can click on ‘Cards’ to obtain the card info from the server.

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