Elemental Kingdoms

Evil Spirit

I have created a tool for a game called Elemental Kingdoms to simulate fights. I called it Elemental Kingdoms Fanatic and you can download the current version ( here

Elemental Kingdoms Fanatic Main window
Fighting against the Sea King


The source code is available here – using the MIT license, which mean you can do anything you want with the code, as long as you mention that it is derived from this project.

If you experience any issues with the simulator, I have an issue tracker available here

Field of Honor simulator
Easy obtain Field of Honor results
Useful resources:

Online Field of Honor results
Online demon sim
Created by [LEV]Azh, powered by my simulator. Check the odds for the current FoH battles on your server, or try some demon sims from your browser.

Beginner’s Guide to Demon Invasions by Lightja
Very thorough guide on all the demons, with detailed examples how to build and improve your deck.

Other simulators:


40 thoughts on “Elemental Kingdoms”

    1. Hi Tomislav,

      I am not sure what you expect exactly – you can just change the defender’s deck to the opponent you are targeting in the arena and then simulate against that deck. If you have ideas for improvements, let me know.

      1. I think he talks about something like:

        Let the Sim “download” the defend Decks from Opponents and then you can try with to beat the decks with the sim. I think means not to put in the opponents deck manually but automaticly.

        A cool thing could be that the sim make suggestions for the deck. Something like “this card works better with this card.” Dont know. Sounds a lil bit futuristic but i like the Idea. šŸ™‚

        1. I have downloading of defend decks in mind, though I am not sure if the EK developers would like that šŸ˜‰

          Deck suggestions is something I am currently working on. Keep an eye open for the next release šŸ™‚

          1. The Crys program allows for the DL of the top 100 arena decks.. So someone somewhere down the line has allowed it. Might want to look into it.

  1. Hy guys,

    U’r doing a terrific job with EK simulator. May i have some sugestions for the next update. i think we can use a hp and attack bonus button for cards. Why? This way we can simulate Hydras in real mode – hydras have bonuses for hydra card and minions (rest of the cards) on hp and att, Ex: Hydra V (Exile, or other) have 250K HP and 2000Attack, Also we can use the button for simulate with Hydra merit cards that have also bonuses for HP and Attack.

    The buttons sould be:

    For HP: HPx1,5, 2, 3, 4, 5
    For Attack: Attx1.2, 1.5, 2, 3

    Thank you!

  2. Love your program, I’ve been a long time user of JS’s demon SIM and this is so much more robust and quick to use. Is there any way to delete saved decks? If not this would be a great feature to add. I have a few accidental typoed decks that I’d like to get rid of and can’t find a way to remove them in the files or application.

    1. You can just hit the ‘delete’ button on your keyboard when you have a deck selected in the list.

      1. Thanks, didn’t think to try that. Tried right click on it to get a dialgue box and all kinds of other things, derp.

  3. Hi, since this morning I have only one problem with the program.
    It will not start. I get the same error message Elemental Kingdom does not work anymore.

    I have Java, NETFramework, Visual C ++ reinstalled. without success.

    have you perhaps a hint?

    greetz jekahr

  4. Hiļ¼ŒIā€˜m a chinese player .There is a game like EKin china,So I also use ā€œElemental Kingdoms Fanaticā€.but thereā€™s a bug when i replaced the json file named ā€œcardā€ by Chinese version,I can’t open the “Elemental Kingdoms Fanatic”,and there’s not prompt.
    You can help solve this problem?
    I can provide Chinese version ā€œcard.jsonā€ if you give me your emali.
    Thank you very much.

    1. Cool to hear šŸ™‚ I have send you a mail. Crash might be due to the new skills data, I just released a new version that fixes this.

      1. Canā€™t open the ā€œElemental Kingdoms Fanaticā€ after each update. After a period of time using the simulator,I can open it by Chinese version ā€œcard.jsonā€ .It’s very strange.

  5. peppa,

    incredible tool… thank you!

    for those who have run-time issues where you get no simmed results… try deleting the battle folder in the cache folder… it likes to chew up storage space…

    1. even though it had worked to delete the battle folder before… the app crashed after i deleted it the last time… please ignore above…

      1. This might be because EK decided to release some new skills one day after I released the update. Some of these new skills caused my sim to be unable to read the file, causing a crash at startup. I just released an updated version that will fix this.

  6. Hello, I cant use your SIM, what happen? I cant create a account and test it. when I try an error message appears on browser

  7. hi I uploaded the new verion but cant find butcher or don I try putting the don then don but dosent come up same for butcher

  8. Hello Peppa,

    I’m currently trying to make your sim work for the web version of Elemental Kingdoms, Titan Surge (without any coding mind you). We have access to our card/skill/rune json files, but if I try to replace the EK ones with ours, it crashes.

    Do you think there is an easy way to make it work, or would that require actual coding skills and a completely different version of the sim (basically a new sim specifically for our version) to make it work?

  9. Peppa, this is fantastic! Thank you for the hard work you have put into this. Is there a way to updated the Arc login credentials that get auto populated so I don’t have to type in my credentials every time. I’ve looked through all the config files and can’t seem to find it. It has the username as “g1095766@trbvm.com”.

    Thanks for any guidance you can provide!

    All the best,
    Jonathan – “Technican37” Ethereal

  10. Hi. This is good simulator for EK.
    Is there any guide how to create new skill by editing skill.json files? the thing is, I’m trying to implementing skill from Lies of Astaroth/LOA game (practically it has same mechanic as EK) so i can use this EK Fanatik as LoA fight simulator. Thanks.

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