Elemental Kingdoms Fanatic released

Download the latest version here.

– Frost Shock skill implemented
– Shield of Earth skill implemented
– Inspire skill implemented (not available ingame yet)
– When you run out of life, the battle immediately ends instead of at the end of the round

– When connecting to a server, download all data files. No need to click all the buttons one by one anymore.
– Tooltips with the full status ailment name on mouseover
– You are now able to select any skill as evolve skill in the card searcher

– FoH progress bar will now properly end at 100%
– Evolution skills on map stages will now be properly loaded
– Several runes will no longer activate if you have no cards on the battlefield, costing precious charges
Runes affected: Arctic Freeze, Blood Stone, Dirt, Explosion, Fire Forge, Flying Stone, Frost Bite, Ghost Step,
Ice Wall, Lore, Mineral, Nimble Soul, Raised Flag, Red Valley, Revival, Spring Breeze,
Stone Forest, Stonewall, Thunder Shield, Transparency, Tsunami
– Results should now be cleared when upgrading to a new version